emotional napping

I just gave naps as homework to my student. They’ve been going through so many emotions and changes, exhaustion is catching up. We talk about the physiology of emotions, how important it is to notice the body’s reaction and sensations because all emotions start in the body. But we forget sometimes that because all emotions are physiological events, they take metabolic energy: it literally takes effort and energy to create and sustain them, and the bigger the emotions, the more effort. And the bigger the fight we put up against them, the more energy we need. Or the longer we attach to them instead of letting them transform, the harder we need to work. Let’s face it: last weekend was emotional for many and this week, well, let’s just say it’s not gonna be easy. If you feel tired, you’re not alone. But if you can look for the moments of change, the ebbs and flow of effort and release, maybe you can also keep up the fight.